Brasilia will receive national football match

Brasilia will receive national football match

On November 14, the Mané Garrincha Stadium will host the Combine, an event where players will be able to show their talents to a contract advisor licensed by the National Football League (NFL), the largest league in the sport in the world.

The most skilled will be able to go play in the United States or in other major leagues, as well as receive tips about their performance. Kenneth “KJ” Joshen Jr, President of Echelon Sports Brasil, is responsible for the event.

There will also be a “coaches clinic”, with lessons and tips, in addition to the presence of several important names, such as Igor Mota, player-coach of Arsenal Cuiabá and captain of the Brazilian team; Victor Cohen, former coach of Rondonópolis Hawks and Arsenal Cuiabá; Doug Chavis, former NFL punter and former head coach at the Kentucky Rivermonster and Central State University; Tommy Kudyba, former assistant coach of Cuiabá Arsenal and former Head Coach of Cuiabá Arsenal; Duda Duarte, master of ceremonies at Red Bull; and James Springfield, player-coach of Tubarões do Cerrado.

Those who participate in the event will have their data recorded in a database, and will be able to compare their numbers with players from the NFL and the Brazilian American Football League (Liga BFA).

Players will be able to demonstrate their skills in five different specific exercises: speed, power, jumping, strength and athletic ability

Interested parties can apply through the event’s website. For athletes, it is necessary to be from 13 years old, and the value is R$ 25 and one kg of non-perishable food. For the coaches, the value is R$100, in addition to the food for the donation. You also need to sign a liability waiver.


Interested parties can apply through the event's website. For athletes, it is necessary to be from 13 years old, and the value is R$ 25 and one kg of non-perishable food. For the coaches, the value is R$100, in addition to the food for the donation


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